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Join us as we serve Jesus through the Ministry of flowers.  We will learn what it means to carry the Aroma of Heaven as we serve our elderly, care-givers, asst. living, first responders, and those overlooked especially in these end times. We will meet, deliver flowers, a smile, prayers, encouragement, scripture, testimonies, sharing and caring the ️love of Jesus!  Flowers will be taken to retirement homes, asst. living facilities, community service stations, hospice, local neighbors, and wherever the Spirit leads we will follow.....

In these days so many are neglected, forgotten, lonely, and lost. A gift of a flowers brings unspeakable Joy and of course the conversation begins....

We will fellowship, pick up flowers donated from mkts., groceries, and florists while releasing the fragrance of Heaven and the compassion of Jesus to many in pain and silence—-Oh, for such a time as this are we called.........

You could spend 15 min. to several hours the choice is yours and the beauty shared lasts forever!!!

I look forward to reconnecting with friends and meeting and getting to know new ones In Christ.

HS Flower Power  Our flower Ministry came out of the desire to put a smile on peoples faces, from Homeless to people in Nursing homes that are left on the side by family members and more. My mission to deliver flowers and have the time to listen to some of their stories and share my love of the Lord with anyone who is willing to listen (or even the ones who do not want to hear it).

We deliver  flowers, snacks, food items and requests. The funding has been soley our own.

God wanted me to share what I do with others and they have started with donations, delivery, and pickup.  We rescue flowers/plants from going to the dumps, by pruning, repotting, prayer and putting them in any kind of a vessels that can hold them..

Since we started our mission April 2018, we have donated more than $75,000 in retail value. We would like you to be part of our mission.

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